A brand isn’t just a product or service; it is a complete experience. To communicate all that a brand stands for to its target audience, a lot of factors come into play and appropriate media are involved. Visual media is very effective in creating the right impact and amongst visual media, photography is one of the most powerful mediums to get desired results.


In the olden days, pictures were very predictable and formal, adding little to the personality of a company with each brand using a similar approach. Over the years, with changing aesthetics, developed technology and a sea change in the landscape in which brand communications occur, photography has evolved into an art form that can elevate a brand and tell a story that sets it apart, endearing it to its audience.


Brands and companies understand the importance of a photographer or a company who would represent their brand vision best. Corporate photography is no longer limited to headshots of honchos, spatial shots or a representation of the company’s assembly line. It is more about the vibe of the company, its people, their values and more, ensconced in a picture in the best possible way. Stock images are definitely not the way forward here and it calls for an apt set of photos representing a vision.



More than ever before, bringing the human side of a business in front of customers is gaining value and looking at how such brands perform, it is indeed a great strategy. Great photography sets one apart from the competition. When you choose to move away from stock pictures and create something unique, it shows and reflects in the way customers bond with your brand.


Social media is a big deal and while everyone waxes eloquent about how important content is, we tend to overlook photographs and focus on content as being the written part only. Photographs are content; a very powerful tool. It takes time building your brand’s online story. Take the example of Wedding Asia, its social media language is easily identifiable with a fan base that identifies with its products through the images that it shares. Not all photos are products, many are visuals that conjure up ethnic, vibrant and warm vibes that is just what their target audience relates to. The pictures it shares aren’t just pictures but a part of the experience that Wedding Asia is trying to create.



Not just brands that offer products, even service providers can create an impact with powerful images. Services have a direct link with experiences and sharing that feeling through pictures can go a long way in establishing the brand. Airbnb is a case in point. They don’t just talk of their model, but go beyond and take you on a tour around the world to places that make you want to get up and go. It shows you through images the various offbeat and attractive abodes you can choose to be at.


Photographs create a personal connect with audiences that are a must and the first step in creating brand loyalty. It is important to keep the images consistent and distinct to create a coherent narrative that helps the brand establish itself.


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