There is a very short story about a flooded village which was being evacuated. Within 40 hours of heavy rain and shoulder neck water running down the street, the entire village was empty. Left behind were two people a blind man and a dwarf. Sitting in two corners they decided to create an alliance. The dwarf asked the blind man to carry him on his shoulders while he would navigate him throughout. The alliance was a win-win situation and thus both shook hands. Through the journey they both developed a very emotional connection. They would hum songs and trade stories and suddenly the situation didn’t seem so stressful anymore. The same difficult path was now a beautiful journey for them. Soon they reached a diversion where they had to part ways, the water wasn’t deep enough, so the dwarf could walk and the old man also found himself a stick to walk further. They still could have kept the alliance but they could not see the need any further so they parted ways with a very heavy heart and promised to keep in touch.
The story very finely describes all the business relationships. All business associations start with a need. It develops a bond over time and sadly one day the venture expires. The business transactions end as and when required but the emotional investment is a recurring deposit and goes a long way.