This is a story of a woman who did not believe in destiny at all and had given up all the hopes in life.
Anaisha and her 3 year old daughter lived with her old mother. Her husband died of cancer a year ago and since then her mother insisted her to complete her further studies and get a good job but she was okay with the life she was living.
Her daughter, Jaysha was very fond of mangoes and one day while eating a mango in the backyard she dropped it. She started crying over it. Her grandmother rushed to her trying to console her. All her attempts went to waste. Anaisha got exasperated from all the crying and went into her room.
Soon she found Jaysha laughing and running across the yard. She asked her mother what she did to cheer Jaysha up?
Her mother told her “Jaysha was crying for a mango that had fallen on the ground. I asked her to sow it into the same place and water it everyday so that it will grow into a tree and give so many mangoes.”
She continued.“Anaisha things don’t always fall in place but if you have a positive attitude you can make it look best no matter where it falls.”
Similar thing happened with us while designing the interiors of the Partners. The ornaments fell on the floor and the kind of creative our mentor is, he liked it there itself. Since then we have a good conversation starter, handy for every awkward silence!!!